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Nietzsche Source is able to guarantee free availability of its editions for the following reasons:
The facsimile edition (DFGA) has been made possible due to an agreement between the Foundation Weimar Classics and the French non-profit organizationAssociation HyperNietzsche hosted at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, which allows the free publication on the internet of the entire Nietzsche holdings in Weimar and permits even derivative work provided they are non-commercially distributed.
The critical edition (eKGWB) makes available in digital form the text of the standard critical edition edited by Colli and Montinari: Nietzsche Werke. Kritische Gesamtausgabe, Berlin/New York, de Gruyter, 1967- and Nietzsche Briefwechsel. Kritische Gesamtausgabe, Berlin/New York, de Gruyter, 1975-). According to § 70 of German copyright law, the rights on scientific editions expire 25 years after their publication.